To be forewarned is to be foreharm. Hence, the Students' Union Government (SUG) of Olabisi Onabanjo University, has taken to the internet to warn students on safety issues in the coming months of May and June.
The SUG under the Kempes led administration has warned students to stay off any form of swimming or pool party, rivers. He also warned that students should reduce their travel outside campus especially during Easter.
It was advised that students trek trekable distance and make positive declarations before leaving home every morning and evening.
"If you are to take bike, caution your bike men over overspeeding and report any rough driving driver".
According to SUG, "Yesteryears hitherto, the above listed reasons have been the endemic which make students vulnerable, causing them lives even unto death, within the bracket of the months of May and June.
We thereby urge students on various campuses to reason along with the list above and also adhere strictly to it".
The SUG PRO, Najimu Oladele, revealed to Campus Mirror that, "I'm telling them this to be conscious of everything they are into as we approach the delicate era of the session.
They are my publics their safety is my priority and I pray the lord is going to guide us from all ills".
"However, we must be conscious of whatever we are doing, always ask your self, is my safety guaranteed in what I'm about to do?, analyze it critically before making a step".
He further added that he believes the warning will go a long way as he hopes students will adhere strictly to it.
Good information